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Shamanic Sexual Somatic Healing - "a holistic, in-depth system for transformation, which emphasizes the power of sexual energy and the ways in which we can utilise the natural flow of this energy to provide a valuable framework for sexual wholeness, both in the sense of unraveling sexual "disfunction" and in the sense of restoring trust and harmony, both inner and in our relations." - ISTA, International School of Temple Arts.

In these session I take you on the journey back to yourself, to your heart, body, sex

and also into your connection with the Earth.
I create safe space and shamanic container for you to be able open up and meet different parts of yourself, perhaps the ones you haven't met yet.
In this space - all of you is welcomed
and you are reminded that you can be just who you are,
expressing you light and your dark, your pleasure and your heart breaks.
I invite all of you to show up and be met with love. 


The transformation can only happen when we drop masks.

I offer a 30 min free discovery call where we get chance to connect and share
to see if we are a perfect fit to work together.



We all have capacity to shamanically travel through the matter of our bodies. This what psychodelic plants teach us, but this is not always being understood and acknowledged.

We can enter an altered states of reality, open the doors between dimensions, travel between them bringing messages, insights and creating healing, simply by dropping deeply into our bodies with presence.

My shamanic ability will help you to go there, learn and transform.


"Soma" in Greek means "the body in its wholeness"


Somatic is based on the premis that the body/mind are interconnected and whole. It is only by working with both that we create sustainable changes in how we feel, perceive and show up in the world.

Somatics seems the body as a holder of our history and our stories. it no only reflects our psycho-emotional states, but also influences them.


Somatic awareness is the first step towards somatic intelligence and intuition. Without this our bodies can become an unconscious driver of our future.

In the session I not only teach you how to access and work with it, but also through the body work we provoke the somatic release, which often means emotional release too, freeing your physical and emotional body.


Combining all the tools and knowledge I have I offer men's work, addressing topics that are common for men and their sexuality as well as offer a tantric bodywork focused on sensuality and healing through pleasure.


All of you is welcome here.


Sexuality as an integral part of our human-ness, acknowledged for its potency and power to create. So repressed, misunderstood and "shamed-on". A great tragedy of humankind - the disconnection from the inherent truth that our sex is sacred and our Life force is the source of Life, that resulted in our psyche and consciousness being disconnected from our bodies and the body of the Earth itself.

To welcome this powerful energy into the healing sessions, held in a specific way to make you feel safe and open is a catalyst for deep transformation, bringing liberation, restoration and opens new doors of perception.



Empowerment, reconnection with the womb, yoni (vagina), breasts, emotional healing, shamanic tools, embodiment practices, masculine polarity integration as well as deep feminine mysteries and initiations are the field of my work. 


I offer 1:1 sessions, body work

lead groups, workshops and circles.


Sensual, playful, educative rituals that will help you to re-discover yourself and each-other in a space designed for you to feel safe and open.


This may include my hand-on work or not.

If you would like to connect and  know more - book a free 30 mins connection call 

What My Clients Say


MariaSole Ingravallo

My session with Maya was exactly what I needed. 
I needed nourishment and softness and she has been extremely intuitive in understanding exactly and in depth my needs.
She is humble and open, her heart is open and she radiates authenticity and truth. She is very dedicated to serve in her best way possible. Everything she does, she does it with complete presence and with immense Love.
I absolutely recommend a private session with her.

© 2021 by Maya Magdalena

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